Customer Feedback

We truly believe the families who purchase our products and read our blog are the best. If your family has feedback on our books, coloring books, games or blog, please e-mail us!

Alabama mama of 3 and elementary school librarian

From an elementary librarian and mama of three little cowkids, thank you so much for writing “Short Go and the Junior Rodeo Trail.” We have already read it twice since we got it at Christmas. My 4-year-old’s favorite part is “when the brother wins and doesn’t have to clean the litter box!” I love being able to read something so relatable to them. Children’s books should be mirrors and windows. It’s rare that my littles get to see themselves “in the mirror.” Thank you so much!

Indiana rodeo mom

Mama to a Little Cowboy

My son, who has hated reading and struggled with it, finished the Short Go chapter book in 2 days (after a lot of convincing him to try it). I have never seen him that engrossed in a book and finish it. He loved it and it was the perfect reading level. He can’t wait for the next one! Thank you!

I just want you to know my son absolutely loves these books. Please keep publishing more! These books are amazing!